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All My Holiday Gift Guides In One Place

This is your last week to get all of your Christmas shopping online done! The rates for expedited shipping are unreal, and the longer you wait, the more likely you are to pay full price, or worse - to see that the last thing on your list is sold out.

Our 2018 Christmas Cards with Shutterfly

Christmas cards are my favorite holiday tradition ever, and they're more important to me now than ever before. For me, they serve as a benchmark. I don't create those long newsletters about what's been going on in our lives (because honestly, it isn't much) but to just look back at old Christmas cards, I can remember so much about what was going on in our lives. I only wish we had more from when I was growing up. It's like the perfect snapshot of every year until we all flew the coup.

Amazon Prime Stocking Stuffers She'll Actually Use

If you read my last post on how I'm trying to have a more intentional Christmas this year, you know that I dwindled down on how much I bought for everyone - and I don't see that as a bad thing! If there was one, larger, bigger ticket item that someone wanted, I'm there. But when it comes to people who didn't ask for something in particular, I made an effort not to get people more stuff.

3 Intentions I'm Setting Around The Holidays

Click to shop my Christmas doormat, gingham rug, and slide-on sneakers from my LIKETOKNOW.it!

This post was inspired by Brighton Keller of brightontheday.com, who basically gave me permission to think that the holidays are allowed to be less-than-joy-filled sometimes. We should all stop pretending that this time of year is anything like a Hallmark Christmas movie. After all, the women in those plots are very rarely seven months pregnant with chronic night sweats. I can't wear cute flannel pajama sets and perfectly curled hair to bed. I will expire. 

12 Things & My FREE December Wallpaper Download

1. We are officially seven weeks away! I went Christmas shopping this weekend with my mother in law and she said, "I can't believe you're having a baby next month." Wow. Way to scare a pregnant woman. Even though it's closer to two months away, it's true - Annie B is due to arrive on January 21st. Ready or not.

Celebrating One Year Since The Best Day Ever

I think a normal anniversary post would probably include a whole lot more about our first year of marriage. But as my mom so intently reminded me, it's less about the anniversary of our nuptials and more about the anniversary of that amazing party that she threw for us.

Living Room Reveal PLUS 2018 Christmas Decor

I am driving the struggle bus this morning, so stay with me here - this one is going to be short and sweet! Then it's off to bed with a cold rag on my head until I figure out what it is that Annie B is doing that is making me so sick! I thought nausea was supposed to be a third trimester thing??